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Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Public Employees

Thursday 26 Jun 2014

With my work often involving complex issues with the employer-employee relationship, I was interested in a recent piece on NPR surrounding a Supreme Court ruling.  The Court ruled that public employees cannot be fired as a result of truthfully testifying in cases regarding public concern or corruption. In the past, employees such as Edward Lane were left to face termination after honestly taking the stand against their employers. Lane was fired from Central Alabama Community College after exposing a case of fraud surrounding state legislator Suzanne Schmitz, a lead director for public programs of the school at the time. Justice Sonia Sotomayor expressed her support for the change in policy, saying no public employee should have to choose between testifying truthfully and losing his or her job. From here on in, violations will hold employers responsible for back pay and money damages in such situations. For more information about the decision, visit

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